Monday, October 28, 2013

Blog Analysis 1

This blog is a blog majorly focused on art and other invovation so the twenty first century. Much of the blog is updated every day. But much of text which is on the blog is rather well hidden to more highlight the art work which is displayed. The blog is design purely with a 1 column layout so your attention is just on the art work. Much of the art work is modern but the art work is seperated into two different catagories which separate the modern art for the more alternative photography. Much of the art displayed throughout this blog is designed with the aid of a computer. This blog also contains information about the host of blog although the text is written in quite an odd fashion as it is all written in third person not first and she never directly mentions herself.  But you can obviously see by the colours used throughout the blog and images posted through the blog the person writing the blog is quite a colourful and mysterious character. But with blogging software she has used it also allows for animated imaging like moving images of multiple frames called GIFs which much of the modern art expressed through technology today. Also the title of the blog suggests to a playful and alternative blog.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Personal reflection on your use of digital communication and how it empowers you

While one would say the digital era has empowered us and changed the way we communicated and in a way yes this is true as technology help us in our daily life's with the implementation of different inventions like:
•Cells Phones
•GPS Systems

But with our required knowledge to control these devices, we can become a slave of our own creation. These device are just a key directly into our lives and with more than 95% of users not having a deep enough understanding of technology to activity protect themselves its dangerous. And these kind of attachments to devices are killing people the increase of car accidents from texting is increasing and this is because of our attachment with these electronic devices. I think it’s time which we stepped back and realized that theses spectacles of technology are overwhelming us and we need to start controlling them and stop them controlling us.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Issues Study - Economy

With the creation of the internet, over 1.2 million jobs have been created and more than 300 billion dollars has been streamed into the economy. With the rapid growth of the internet, there has also been a rapid increase of much activity in the economy, you could say the internet has drastically changed the world. Not only are jobs created it also give company and completely different manner in which transaction can be made, for example soft goods and material goods (such as furniture) can be purchased with the click of a button. With the internet also comes a massive space for advertising for these companies to showcase much of what they have to offer which makes the internet a massive ad banner, as most would know and see. Any website which you access either have advertisement whether it’s a search engine, multimedia website or a chat-room there is advertising sprawled over the internet.

While the internet didn't use to be advanced as it is today with different technology like Personalized retargeting, the internet use to be very basic information which was sent over dedicated communication circuits information could only travel in data packets no larger than 200 bytes and send them over a single line. But as things have progressed date packet sizes have increases to over 100 times of which they use to be. With the access of the internet advancing many things have change for example access pricing for the internet, today the most convenient and common user access pricing is flat fee pricing which is when the user pays a fixed price to gain access to the network for a month. But with this method of pricing many issues have followed for instance this flat price cannot discriminate between 'high' and 'low' bandwidth users. This leads on to create many problems in which some are not receiving the optimal value of the service. Many other methods of pricing have been discussed one heavily discussed idea of internet pricing is attaching a live bid to each internet pack before they submit to the network. In other words users would have to pay for their upload and download packet size. This would help network congestion constraints and allow 'high' traffic users to be separate to those 'low' traffic user which would intern increase both users’ online experiences.

Another very much discussed issue which has a deep relation with the economy is the pricing of goods and different services on the internet. Theoretical with the minimized costs of transactions and store management the cost pricing for goods would be much lower than but as this is business online firms and corporations more or less tweaked prices of their goods to be closer to their counter-parts which sell their goods offline. But to summarize with implementation of internet into today’s world there has been a major growth in economic but not only the economy but also aggregate demand of consumers which ensure the positive economic spike from the internet with continue to grow. 


Internet and today technological world can aid us is so many ways, we use it for research, communicate, play game and many more. But it can be just as easily used in the wrong way and can cause harm towards our society. While there are different online protection agency's run by the government like the Children s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), we can still get become a victim. For instance a child may be on the internet using to look at Lego but he incorrectly types leg and he is confronted with pornographic materials. For children there are ways to stop these kinds of things happening, there is something available called Internet Service Provider (ISP) Filtering and this can block much of the inappropriate material on the internet, as well as malicious websites. While many kids are vulnerable adults are also equally so, many things created my malicious people have been designed to steal personal information. These things can go on for week and in some cases decades. The main danger is that these people will use your personal information to access you personally bank accounts and online shopping services to use your money. To help to this kinds of things happening to you, guard yourself with internet security and do make sure you are using safe sites. Many internet protection software will warn you if you are entering a harmful or safe websites this will lower the risk of program like key-loggers (keystroke recorder) and malware being installed on your computer.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

When technology supports my learning in Digital Communications

Task: Create a post describing at least 2 tasks where you have used or are going to use digital communication in the central studies. Evaluate how these technologies have supported your learning.
1st Task-
During my time in communication systems we have spent much of our term learning with the aid of technology. One of the main tasks which technology has aided me is when understanding the Macbeth play script by letting me understand the shake-spearing language. I used my laptop when understanding this.
2nd Task-
Filming the play was aided by using a video camera this help us share our play freely and cut the raw footage into multiple parts to make it seem like there was no stuff ups. This helps a lot because we can add video effects like backgrounds which couldn't be added in real life.